Introduced to the Island in 1904, this impressive animal has become highly populated throughout Newfoundland. The Island of Newfoundland has the highest moose over any area in North America with conservative estimates at around 120,000. Our hunting areas have a high population density; this is reflected in our success rates which are between 85-95%. Normally, the rut begins throughout the last week of September and continues nearly to the end of October.

Our most common moose hunting method is spot, stalk and calling. Our guides are very experienced and knowledgeable in their field, working hard to ensure that you have a successful hunt. The big game hunting season opens on the second Saturday in September, two weeks prior to this is for bow hunting only. During rifle season hunters can hunt with rifle, black powder or bow.

A bear license can be added to a moose hunt for the cost of the license. When a bear is harvested a trophy fee will apply.

Hunts at our fly-in lodges are one-on-one guiding.


The Lodges

Our lodges are located in the heart of Newfoundland’s remote interior. They are quite comfortable and located in some of the best moose/caribou areas in Newfoundland. Each lodge is licensed and inspected by the government of Newfoundland annually.

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